We have a range of different coaching packages depending on your goal. With all our coaching packages, we aim to ensure you achieve your desired goals and prepare you for the competitive season and your competitions. Working with your coach, you work as a team to help you stay on track throughout your journey and address any issues you have.
This is the most comprehensive package available on the market today and is designed for both competitors and those wanting to get into amazing shape
All plans with The Bikini Coach are completely customised and every aspect of progress is monitored including training, diet, digestion, sleep, stress, habits & routine, recovery, menstrual cycle & more
With the Pro Coahing Package, you will receive:
Custom Training Plan
Custom Diet Plan
One Free Posing Session Per Month (Competition Clients Only)
Unlimited plan adjustments
Custom Supplement Plan
Customised Roadmap to your Goals
24/7 WhatsApp support
Excersice Form Analysis
Video Response Feedback (Once a week)
Twice a week Check In
Daily Check Ins From 2 Weeks Out (Competition Clients Only)
Coaches Attendance on Show Day - (Geographical Exceptions Apply) (competition clients only. For more information on the pro coaching package get in touch and a member of the team will be happy to help you and discuss in more detail how things are tailored to you.
This elite comprehensive coaching package is designed for those competitors or those wanting extra accountability to get in shape without going to the extremes of competition prep.
All plans with The Bikini Coach are completely customised and every aspect of progress is monitored including training, diet, digestion, sleep, stress, habits & routine, recovery, menstrual cycle & more
With the Elite Coaching Package, you will receive:
Custom Training Plan
Custom Diet Plan
Coaches Attendance On Show Day
(Geographical Exceptions Apply) (Competition Clients Only)
Unlimited plan adjustments
Custom Supplement Plan
Customised Roadmap to your Goals
24/7 WhatsApp support
Excersice Form Analysis
Video Response To Check In
Once a week Check In
Daily Check Ins From 2 Weeks Out (Competition Clients Only)
For more information on the elite coaching package get in touch and a member of the team will be happy to help you and discuss in more detail how things are tailored to you.